is a forum for discussion of possible net abuse not covered by the rest of the hierarchy. Possible topics include ping-storming, site aliasing, denial of service attacks, and anything else that does not fit into the other forums in the hierarchy. is unmoderated.

The* hierarchy is for discussion of abuse of Usenet and/or the Internet; it is not for discussion of abuse of groups or individuals on such networks, such as flames, personal attacks, or off- topic messages.

Binaries are specifically prohibited from all groups in the news.admin.* hierarchy, except as examples of other abuse. All messages removed by unauthorized cancels in the hierarchy will be automatically reposted by Dave the Resurrector or a similar program, at the discretion of the group moderator or, for the unmoderated groups, the operator of the resurrector program. Spams, gateway spews, and other attacks on the system itself will be removed as appropriate, following standard Usenet guidelines.